Sunday, March 7, 2010

the ouch and the yeay!

Td before going to lecture, i went surfing on the net to find some useful stuff i can use.

The wireless were not so bad in the first few minutes. Then when i finally wanted to post something on my blog, at that very moment, wireless stopped. Kaput! Hilang ditelan angin...

Memang sengaja tau! Penat ak tulis dgn penuh semangat. Huh!

Anyways, after pasrah on th wireless, i decided to check on the hard disk i borrowed from a friend of mine. Movie dia...huyo...byk dowh! X muat laptop ak...haha...pendrive pn dh penuh dh...I watched Gossip Girl season 2... like it! I don't know why but i find Chuck Bass is an interesting guy..haha!weird that i like a character of a guy who often wears pink bowtie..hehe

Pas tgk tu, bru la teringat nk gosok baju...memandangkn ada lg 10 minit, gosok pn ala kadar je. Nasib bek x hangus baju..(hangus? cm x seswai je word application tu..haha). Dh semangat pkai baju sume, jalan keluar plak di blok oleh Cik Nyet sedara Pak Gorila. Masa cmni la ko nk halang ak kn...apsal la xwat pagi2 skit time ak ngah tido? Cmne nk kuar bilik ni? Bukak pintu je dh face to face ngan Cik Nyet yg memandang ak ngan pandangan yg suci @ innocent smbil mengunyah roti yg sape pnye ntah...ala..lambat suda ak.. Ak pn mundar-mandir jp dlm bilik pikir strategi nk boloskn diri..(poyo jer). Bila bukak pintu lg skali..cik nyet dh nek tingkat atas...Ak pn apa lagi..ngan kasut wedges pemberian bonda ak jalan cpt2 ketak ketuk ketak ketuk smpai ke keta...Fuh! Selamat...hahaha...sempat smpai class sblm lect masuk..

Then, after a few hours, I started to have headache again. Dh mula ilang mood, sbb mcm ada tnda2 migrain. Baru smlm kna migrain, xkn nk dtg lg? syg sgt migrain kt ak...haiyo..i hate it when this comes. It kills the mood. The headache started during cargo lecture, and ak pn cm dh xde mood sgt nk join sesi bergelak ketawa ngan prof. Masa cm lambat je nk abis. Pasni ada satu lg lecture. Nk g ke x?
I don't want to take any risk, considering that i'm driving to and fro. Kang migrain masa tgh driving x ke naya ak.. so i decided to skip the last lecture. Masa tu sakit dh smpai kt dahi, tunggu masa je rasa mual cm pmpuan kna morning sickness...huhu...smpai je bilik..terjun ke katil..(haha! ayat hiperbola sungguh!)

Sblm tu col bonda, nk gtau kna migrain (bek x ak? haha). Ingtkn bonda akn menunjukkn simpati n concern. Advice bonda sgt best:
"Kitak tido byk gilak ndak nya.."
Waa...mana de ak byk tido! Ak bgn awal everyday kot..sentap gak ngan jawapan yg x xpe la..maybe becoz it's the hot weather that effects my head. As i said earlier, my brain is shrinking...hehe...

Now, the pain is less, although i still feel a twinge of pain.. I just hope it is due to hot weather and not amount to any other things.
Btw..i've finished watching Glee and am officially declaring it as the best muscial drama yet! Glee rules!!!! love Mercedes and Kurt's voice..and of Course Mr. Schuester!

p/s: Congrats to my friend for winning Second place in the IHL Mooting Competition in Hong Kong! You guys Rock! We're finally on the map! Yeah!


chec said...

gaya chuck bass mmg macho..hehe

lily said...

haha...betul...deviously HOT!