Friday, March 11, 2011

I want to see you sooooo damn badly!!


Something exciting is going to happen!!!!

I was on my way back from watching Merong Mahawangsa (that is one hell of a movie! must watch...worth the money...=D)
Anyways...I was listening to on the radio when I heard this advertisement with Stephen Rahman Hughes's voice...'calling all music lovers...'
At first I thought...naah...maybe he's just gonna promote that Merong Mahawangsa movie that he starred in...
And then I heard him say 'West End!'
My eyes went wide...then I listened to it again...he said 'Broadway...'
and another one... 'At Istana Budaya this 15th & 16th April...
and the one that made my eyes open really wide and me screaming excitedly in the car that startled my friend was...

OMG!!! He's coming here!!! to Malaysia!!!! This coming April!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell, I wanna go!!!!!!!!! so so so so want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as I reached my college, I immediately went to the Istana Budaya website and voila! there he was...his show that is...along with Stephen Rahman-Hughes and Simon Bailey, another actor who once played the role of Phantom in the famous Phantom of The Opera...
I checked the tickets...and no surprise they are pricey...but right now, I don't really mind spending some money in this...because I have some personal savings from my online business...
Oh my God...I can't tell and describe how excited and how determined I am to want to go there and watch them perform...

hello...It's West End!! all performers are like supertalented and oh so gorgeous!!! Going to a Broadway and West End performance have been one of my wishes! And to have a chance to watch them here, that is certainly one thing I won't miss it for the world...

Only...the problem is now...I can't.
Why? well...let's just say there are no semester breaks anymore...the tickets are pricey, and surely these reasons will not let my parents to allow me to go to KL and watch the show...but I can only e excited myself...
My friend Amy Ho is going, and she invites me to join her...Trust me dear, I so want to go with you...we can squeal and squeeze each other's hand excitedly whenever Ramin starts singing! LOL!...but current situation now deprives me from going...
It's unfortunate...but nahhh...what can I do??? Macam orang cakap...takde rezeki...

maybe that's just my luck...

p/s: to sis...yeah I know you will read this...and yeah...that pretty much shows how much i wanna go...and no, I don't blame anyone or being negative...I'm being realistic...

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