Holidays can be B.O.R.I.N.G
There! I've said it! huhuhu.... Please ignore the above over emotional statement. Yup..just as I was planning on something interesting and fun, there's always barriers that comes between me and fun. Its as though they don't bless the relationship that we have..ok..over metaphoric description...hee.=pOne thing...I have already thought of spending a couple of days in Sabah with my friends there. But the tickets are suddenly becoming too pricey that I cannot afford it. And there is no way too for my parents to sponsor the trip. They have other things to do too...
Two...the weather is not so friendly too... Last two days, our house were invaded by water. (banjir la sng ckp). While being fun to experience flood, especially for my lil is a hassle to get thing cleaned up. And it doesn't matter it involves big flood or small still bring bane along with the boons. Since there is also an obstacle in terms of transportation, as I've mentioned in the previous post, i have voluntarily quarantined myself at home. Facebook has become so boring, I've watched most of the dvd's available, and Astro seemed pointless to have. I want to go out! And at this point, I don't mind if I go out alone and getting lost in the middle of the cat city. Also, I have currently developed an interest. And I really wish I can get my hands on this idea. Wanna know??? .

I want to try to make bags! Cloth bags in particular. Back in the university I happened to saw one of my friend's handmade cloth bag and it seems like an interesting and fun thing to do when everything else fails. But of course, it's easier said and done. there anyone who knows any websites which have any relation whatsoever with this childish idea of mine? I'd really appreciate it very much. =)

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