Sunday, May 22, 2011


 And this journey that we're on,
how far we've come, and I celebrate every moment.

Yes. Every journey will finally come to an end. As for me, it will be the four years journey as a law student in a university located far up north of the country. Every journey has its story and tales. Mine is probably not the most exciting one, but I've learnt many things. Experiences taught me how to act wiser and smarter, how to cope with problems no matter how minimal it is, and how to survive when I feel that everyone else is going against me. I come to realise that not everyone is who they really said they are. People wear masks, and some of them wore theirs perfectly that you are unable to see the real person until they reveal themselves. I deal matters involving people; friendship especially, more than I deal with matters involving my studies, which is supposed to be my priority. I guess He wants me to deal with both. I had this thought that people will be kind to you if you're being likewise to them. Well, some of them don't and I had to learn it the hard way. First hand experience. And it was a good thing. Experience is really the best teacher, managed to wake me up and realize about the ugly truth before it's too late.    

But not all are pebbles in the shoe. Of course, there are also wonderful, lovely people I met that taught me that it is alright to go against the crowd. Just be true to yourself, and you'll do fine anyways. Different people have their path differently made. There was a time where I prefer to be in a comfort zone, but now I think, being too comfortable doesn't really take you anywhere. Still trying to cope with this, I just hope I have enough determination and strength. These friends, these darlings cheers my gray and lonely days, helped me in times of need, and lend their ears when I need someone to talk to. And together we create our own circle and memories.  

This journey will end in a few days. On the last day, tears will fall, there'll be endless hugs and kisses and taking pictures to capture and preserve the moment. Of course, it will be a sad day. But that is life. Life gives you precious memorable times you wish will never end, but only give you shorter moments for you to say goodbye. Or maybe it's just in my own experience. Sure, you will miss the times and how you wish you'd appreciate those moments more, but that feeling too, will come to an end. Because another journey awaits, and you cannot greet it unless you are ready to let go. Let go of the emotion of wanting to go back to the past. Take back the heart and emotion to the present day, and keep those cherished memories safely in a box, and store it in your memory and at the bottom of your heart. But don't lose it, because it will come in handy in times of need.  

1 comment:

dr1/6 said...


all the best for the next big break!

i miss you dearly and sorely <3