credit from here
Hahaha....read that statement already? I felt the need to post about this coz it somehow relates to the issue I'm about to write about. (ayat macam isu serius je...heh...=p)
Well, took this from my tumblr blog. Asalnya aku amik dari sini, tapi aku reblog balik, so it doesn't really make a difference. The best thing about tumblr is that you dont have to bother thinking of how to write about something that shows the readers your exact emotion. Just grab a picture or quote and reblog it. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words, so jimat la masa nak tulis-tulis.
So this was regarding last holiday at home during Aidiladha. Time tu aku baru balik. Malam sebelum raya tu, tengah tlg cuci pinggan mangkuk periuk belanga semua...when dearest mum posed the question:
Well, took this from my tumblr blog. Asalnya aku amik dari sini, tapi aku reblog balik, so it doesn't really make a difference. The best thing about tumblr is that you dont have to bother thinking of how to write about something that shows the readers your exact emotion. Just grab a picture or quote and reblog it. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words, so jimat la masa nak tulis-tulis.
So this was regarding last holiday at home during Aidiladha. Time tu aku baru balik. Malam sebelum raya tu, tengah tlg cuci pinggan mangkuk periuk belanga semua...when dearest mum posed the question:
"Ada special friend ke?"
Eleh, mak aku ni nak tanya soalan cover-cover...cakap je la boyfriend, nak special friend bagai...hahaha....unexpected question. Ye la...time tengah cuci pinggan, tetiber tanya pasal tu. Tak ada kaitan pun. Kalau tanya pasal makan apa kat kolej time banjir tu ada la kaitan jugak..hee~
So aku pn jawab dengan jujurnya, "Takde pun." And she replied "Ye ke?" macam style adik aku selalu buat...pnjng skit harakat time dia ckp 'ye ke' tu....hahaha....so i affirmed the answer. Tambah lagi ckp "takde orang nak", hahahahahaha....ye la...unless you are one feminine girl who doesn't walk like a dude. heh heh...and thankfully after that answer my mum kept quiet.
In relation to the statement above, I have to say that I'm in an exception case. That is when I read the statement written, NOBODY comes across my mind. Zero. The only think that crossed my mind is "who? siapa yang aku love?" macam orang blur giler.
I understand and know the reason why my mum asked that question. Bukan sekali tu je, malam esoknya pun dia tanya benda yang sama. She's worried. I'm in my 20's and don't have a special someone. Sekarang ni pun, dah ada dah kawan-kawan yang dah kahwin, dah bertunang semua. Padahal time muda-muda time sekolah dulu, diorang la yang buat group 'single forever'. hehe...Well, I think that it is not something to be so worried about. Of course, nobody wants to be alone, and no parent wants to see their children spend their lives alone in an empty house with cats as partners. And personally I don't mind being single. Not sure that is a good thing or a bad thing. I think it's because I don't have the courage to start another relationship, fear that it will be the wrong one all over again. Also, selagi aku rasa aku tak boleh jadi the best person i can be, selagi tu la tak teringin to be in a committed relationship. Sekarang ni pun, my self disciplined is not at a good level. Ibadah aku pun kurang lagi, banyak lagi aku nak kena belajar and ingat compared to other people. Alang-alang nak jadi someone's partner tu, jadi la yang terbaik, so takde la orang rasa regretful and not many issues will rise. That is how i think.
Tipu la kalau aku cakap aku tak pernah minat kat sapa-sapa. Nobody is 'love proof' ok. When it comes to the matters of the heart, no one is immune regardless of how cold or how cruel the attitude is. Kalau kejam kat manusia, mungkin dia sayang kat benda lain. Tu love la jugak tu kan? =p but minat tu tinggal minat macam tu je la. Just a crush. A crush which I think is not what true love is, although love can be blossomed from there, the possibility aren't many.
So, that's the issue. Takde la besar sangat pun, but I felt to write about this because it made me realized that I am now no longer in the adult teen environment. I'm getting nearer to real adulthood, where family, career and future are something serious that need to be paid attention to. Sekarang ni takde dah masa sangat nak tengok Shin Chan hari sabtu pukul 7. Tak boleh sangat dah nak main-main or buat gila-gila depan orang tanpa rasa segan. And tak boleh dah nak depend kat parents untuk tolong selesaikan masalah yang kita buat secara sengaja atau tak sengaja.
p/s: to dearest mum, kalau jodoh tu lancar ada la tu. In the mean time, I'll try o improve myself. And kalau nak sangat ada grandchild, doa-doakan la jodoh adik-adik cepat sampai. Tak kisah diorang langkah bendul! LOL!
So aku pn jawab dengan jujurnya, "Takde pun." And she replied "Ye ke?" macam style adik aku selalu buat...pnjng skit harakat time dia ckp 'ye ke' tu....hahaha....so i affirmed the answer. Tambah lagi ckp "takde orang nak", hahahahahaha....ye la...unless you are one feminine girl who doesn't walk like a dude. heh heh...and thankfully after that answer my mum kept quiet.
In relation to the statement above, I have to say that I'm in an exception case. That is when I read the statement written, NOBODY comes across my mind. Zero. The only think that crossed my mind is "who? siapa yang aku love?" macam orang blur giler.
I understand and know the reason why my mum asked that question. Bukan sekali tu je, malam esoknya pun dia tanya benda yang sama. She's worried. I'm in my 20's and don't have a special someone. Sekarang ni pun, dah ada dah kawan-kawan yang dah kahwin, dah bertunang semua. Padahal time muda-muda time sekolah dulu, diorang la yang buat group 'single forever'. hehe...Well, I think that it is not something to be so worried about. Of course, nobody wants to be alone, and no parent wants to see their children spend their lives alone in an empty house with cats as partners. And personally I don't mind being single. Not sure that is a good thing or a bad thing. I think it's because I don't have the courage to start another relationship, fear that it will be the wrong one all over again. Also, selagi aku rasa aku tak boleh jadi the best person i can be, selagi tu la tak teringin to be in a committed relationship. Sekarang ni pun, my self disciplined is not at a good level. Ibadah aku pun kurang lagi, banyak lagi aku nak kena belajar and ingat compared to other people. Alang-alang nak jadi someone's partner tu, jadi la yang terbaik, so takde la orang rasa regretful and not many issues will rise. That is how i think.
Tipu la kalau aku cakap aku tak pernah minat kat sapa-sapa. Nobody is 'love proof' ok. When it comes to the matters of the heart, no one is immune regardless of how cold or how cruel the attitude is. Kalau kejam kat manusia, mungkin dia sayang kat benda lain. Tu love la jugak tu kan? =p but minat tu tinggal minat macam tu je la. Just a crush. A crush which I think is not what true love is, although love can be blossomed from there, the possibility aren't many.
So, that's the issue. Takde la besar sangat pun, but I felt to write about this because it made me realized that I am now no longer in the adult teen environment. I'm getting nearer to real adulthood, where family, career and future are something serious that need to be paid attention to. Sekarang ni takde dah masa sangat nak tengok Shin Chan hari sabtu pukul 7. Tak boleh sangat dah nak main-main or buat gila-gila depan orang tanpa rasa segan. And tak boleh dah nak depend kat parents untuk tolong selesaikan masalah yang kita buat secara sengaja atau tak sengaja.
p/s: to dearest mum, kalau jodoh tu lancar ada la tu. In the mean time, I'll try o improve myself. And kalau nak sangat ada grandchild, doa-doakan la jodoh adik-adik cepat sampai. Tak kisah diorang langkah bendul! LOL!
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