Thursday, October 22, 2009
saje je...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Accepting the Hated
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
It was a satisfying and a job well done by all of us. We won't be able to make the presentation as this if it weren't for the support and cooperation from all members... Yay to all of you!
During the making, it was a tiring and stressful journey. We had to cope with many things; financially, mentally, sometimes the weather was not friendly to help us in doing this project and there were many times where technology too is jealous of seeing us accomplishing the project. Yet, we managed to do it. And it was far beyond my expectation. I won't say we could've done better if we were given more time, no, because this is the BEST result of all our perseverence, patience, cooperation, enthusiasm and hardwork.
So far, this is the assignment that I enjoyed the most throughout my 2 years in uni. We can say anything that we want from this experience, but I only have one thing to say. Working is much better when we do it out of enjoyment, spontaneous, and consideration. Indeed, it requires hard work, but we should welcome the hard work as a friend and not as a burden. Only then we won't be stressful and too much tension. Perfection is not the big matter here because when we combine it all up, the result is as perfect as it can be.
Kudos and congratulations to all members of family law for this success of ours!! It was a very memorable assignment. =)
p/s: to miemi, zahid, atiah, za, dila, dayat, amal, ila and the only ladybug among the flowers, ijai
Sunday, October 11, 2009
temporary relieve
I AM SO RELIEVED MY ADMIN LAW ASSIGNMENTS ARE DONE AND SUBMITTED!!!!!!!!!!!!'s the family law presentation and land law case review...
hope we can give our best shot for the family presentation... =)
should i?
i miss writing. Writing here as in writing a story. Any story at all. Writing has been my interest since a long tim

Now, I have that crave of writing again, but the problem is that the interest is not as strong as what I used to have before. Whenever I write and I read it all, I don't have the idea or the cr

Saturday, October 10, 2009
sometimes prudent silence is wise...rather than telling our opinion and ended up making someone offended...
do take note that this has nothing to do with anyone or anything that happen...i just feel like writing but i don't know what to i think that what i wrote mostly is about complaining about everything...tak baik ooo....heh heh...=p
incidentally, i managed to complete most of the assignments already...but still...can't help feeling worried of not being able to complete all upon submission...huhu...the feeling of insecurity is always around...(i tension la..xleh concentrate...nyiah! sempat lg nk kenakan org....jhtnyer kamu ni!)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The end of one
As usual, after the test, I always knew that I can do it better. It's always like that. I hardly went out of the exam room being very satisfied and confident of what I've written down for my exam questions. But then, it all comes to one conclusion: that is the best that I can do. That is all that my mind can keep in store and can pour out during that duration of time. We may have the same brain shape but we have difference in understanding and in storing what we have read. And that is the best that I can give after all those time spent revising and studying. Well, like people always say; when u study a lot, you give out a lot, when you study moderate, what you give will also be moderate, unless of course if u bring some help from the outside or bring a cat to copy a.k.a copy cat(haha...x masuk akal).
Anyways, what has passed has passed. Now its up to the lecturer to give those marks. The thing that I can do now is to settle once and for all my pending assignments and force myself to study for finals! Study!! Aim to make it to dean's list this semester! (ceh...sbnrnyer setiap sem target cmtu tp x dpt2 gak). Good luck for me! All the best to me! and to everyone too!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Otak dah tepu
This is sooooo wrong! Girl, you have a test. What are you doing typing all these???? Go back! shut the laptop! Go read those loads and hard-to-understand-because-the-writing-is-so-bad notes of yours!!!!
OMG…I just realized that I’m so tied up with assignments pending that need to be completed upon submitting. This is just another same situation, same lesson of do not procrastinate and yet I’m ignoring them all. Well, serves u right! padan muka kena wat banyak keje. Instead of doing my revision for my final exam (ceh..poyo je) I have to finish up all assignments and projects. The target: at least complete three assignments before saturday. Ok, roll on your sleeves…time to get to work!
Assignments not supposed to be pending and yet they are thanks to my laziness:
-Public International Law (UN Independence over the Veto powers)
-Equity (specific performance)
-Land Law (case review). Thanks for making it more complicated by not having any facts of the case written on it. I just L.O.V.E to do some extra work.
-Family Law (MUST get that video done and MUST do it as creative as we can). This is the time where our hidden talent of acting and directing is exposed. We can’t help being humble but talented… (hahaha…poyo siot)
-Administrative Law (tutorials). If you want some bonus marks, then those must be done.
And the best thing is, all must be submitted next week!! Boy am I going to have a fun weekend this week stuffing my head with knowledge and business. At least it’s an inch experience of what I’m going to have to face when I start to work in future. Last but not least, I just wanna say this to myself; good luck with all those work! It’ll definitely do you good! And for once in your lifetime, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE IN FUTURE
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I demand an explanation

i just dont get it... my uni, hereinafter referred to uu, as far as i'm concerned is one filthy rich uni. Heck, we have an animal farm, our own grand-prix track(ceh!), a huge multi purpose gym(which hardly opens now) and even a big, green and lonely golf course, but they can't seem to fix one small water problem???
man, it was really difficult for us, especially when we have morning classes. Imagine 4 blocks have no water and we have to go up and down to the other block just to get a shower and other things related. It's a nuisance, and a waste of time, considering that we have to rush before the bathrooms are full with other students who go there for the same intention. And since we are all girls, you can just understand how girls take their showers. It can take up to 30 minutes...(these are facts).
of course i want to complain about this. We have our rights! Regardless of how busy the uu staffs are, the prob

I just don't get it!!!!! I demand an explanation...
Somethng to Ponder
I see many people who acted like that. And this gets worse when it involves people and society. Hello, pls realise that you have a commitment as soon as you've decided to make something or to organize something for the society. So don't just do like it's not a big deal! Move those lazy fat ass of yours! BUatla keje elok2..if there's any problems or changes on the event pls alert and inform those involved. The least u can do is text a message. (bkn mahal pn). In the end, instead of you, other people have to bear the cause and the embarrassment. Don't u ever give any thought or any damn about that?? I really wish you can feel how those people feel. Maybe then it will open your damn eyes..
Sometimes, I tried to be like one of them. You know, not take some things seriously. But I can't. Because I think that it will make other people suffer, and I don't want that to happen to me too if ever the tables have turned. We are not living alone. We live in a society where we depend on each other. So, respect is important regardless of what they stand in the public eye. So as consideration, thoughtfulness and sympathy to those who are unfortunate. When I realisec I failed to be one, I started thinking, am I the one who is the problematic one? Or is it the people are not being conscious enough about how people feel?
I cannot put my finger on it. Is life always this complicated??..I cannot be sure. In fact, maybe I can never be sure...
p/s: had my first battle of the band today...and hell i enjoyed it...although it's not the best we can do. Note that this is related with the post