Monday, August 16, 2010


blog dah bersawang!!!!!!!!!!

ntah la...tak ada idea and mood nak tulis pasal apa...

kalau ada pun...macam tak perlu tulis...simpan je dalam hati...lama-lama hilang and everything will go back to normal... right???


Not everything can be easily forgotten despite being already forgiven...and mostly it is because I refuse to forget...


no reason...saja je nak benci-benci orang sampai mati....hahahaha!!!!

no...perhaps it can be used as a that when anything similar happens again...I can be aware and be prepared for it...

Of course...people will say not all thing will end up the same...but what if?

Maybe I am...and maybe its a good thing to be once in a while...

Because I'm sick of having to take care of people's feelings and try my best to be understanding and coax myself not to be angry or disappointed when they don't do the same towards me...

as selfish as it might sound...that is how i feel...kalau aku tunjuk pun...apa yang aku dapat?

erk! apa jadi tu 'simpan dalam hati and diam-diam je'??? la yang jadi bila aku dah start menulis...all those crap come out flowing like water....heh

Asalnya nak tulis pasal bulan Puasa...hmm...

Anyways...hope it's not too late to wish Selamat Berpuasa to all muslims in the world! May this wonderful month of Ramadhan bring us closer to Allah S.W.T

And oh...All the best to my two friends...Shafiq and Azlan on their 5 months study in Adelaide, Australia...
You lucky blokes!!!!!!! have a blast there....but don't lose yourself...
I pray everything goes well and hope that you guys will always be successful, safe and healthy.

Aku nak koala sorang sekor dari korang! hahahaha!!


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