I am currently kind of obsessed with Les Choristes
I am a musical freak. Am proud to admit it
I've always love musicals ever since my piano teacher made me listen to the Phantom of The Opera during one of m
y lessons...
well...at that time I was only 9 and hardly know what a musical is...the only thing that interests me on that Phantom of the Opera is because I thought he looked really cool and macho wearing all that black cape and mask and always with a rose.
Ever since then, I've been trying to listen and watc
h as many musicals as I could... So far, I've watched some of the well known musicals...The Sound of Music, Annie, Chicago, Cats, Evita, Olive
r Twist, My Fair Lady, Moulin Rouge, Sweeney Todd...and some others that I cannot recall.
Now, I am a Gleek! Damn their voice are great! But High School Musical is not on my list...because I don't find them interesting enough...not like GLEE!! heh
And now, I'm so dying to watch Les Choristes! I've known about this french musical movie since High School...but until now I still don't have the chance to watch it. I listened to one of their songs and it totally swept me away with their 'haunting' lush voice!!!!!!! Arghhh!!! (screams excitedly)
I had the songs in my handphone

and have been playing in non-stop!
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