imoto... Adiaz only has one. And yet, she felt very happy. Imoto's presence made Adiaz's world more colourful. Imoto is 2 years younger, and imoto is now studying in hopes to become a doctor. Ganbate ne! Imoto!
Adiaz smiled. She remembered how the first time imoto came. Adiaz didn't really like it. Adiaz thought; who is that? Why is people always be with her? They no longer spend much time with Adiaz. Adiaz felt envious of imoto. Well...kids...how silly they were back then, and yet, so innocent. Nevertheless, Adiaz started to accept and love imoto's presence. She felt happy to have a friend to play with everytime. And thanks to imoto, Adiaz could easily accept ototo's arrival a year later and another one 9 years later.
Imoto is very different than Adiaz. People mostly didn't expect Adiaz and imoto are actual siblings. Indeed, both Adiaz and imoto have slightly different looks. Adiaz follows more of her eastern side, but imoto's complexion is unique; a mixture of east and west. Whenever Adiaz walks with imoto, Adiaz noticed how people (lads mostly) looked admiringly towards imoto. It bring up jealousy in some times, but Adiaz thought back. It's not wrong for people to admire imoto. Imoto wa honto kirei desu. And people likes to see beautiful things. Besides, imoto is good interacting with people, unlike Adiaz, who has difficulty to start a conversation. (Adiaz is a coy person. Seriously!).
Deep down, Adiaz feels proud to have an amazing imoto. Imoto is independent, friendly, responsible and beautiful. Adiaz hopes that imoto can take great care of herself and that she can know when to act rightfully and can distinguish between right and wrong. Adiaz loves imoto with all her heart. And as like her ototo, Adiaz hopes nothing more than for imoto to have a blissful and successful life. Adiaz wants imoto to be blessed with a great partner that can lead her and turn her into the very best person she can ever be.
=Adiaz speaks...and at this time, she really misses her imoto and both ototo very much.
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